We haven’t yet had the pleasure of sitting down with the full version of Bluepoint Games’ Demon’s Souls remake, but barring something entirely unforeseen, it should be another hit for the studio that already successfully remade Shadow of the Colossus.
Bluepoint’s unique status as one of gaming’s best remakers has millions of fans dreaming of the games they could choose to revisit next. While we highly doubt that all of these games would be on the table, these are some of the best possible remakes that Bluepoint could tackle next.
Vagrant Story
As long as we’re dreaming big, let’s start with the biggest dream remake of them all.
The brilliance of Vagrant Story isn’t found in its incredible story, amazing world, memorable characters, or unique strategic combat system. No, the brilliance of Vagrant Story is found in the way that all of those elements are tied together by the creative concepts of developer Square Enix (then Squaresoft) at their very best.
Vagrant Story remains a truly unique title that’s never exactly been replicated. This beloved dungeon crawler’s already impressive visuals would undoubtedly look stunning in a modern engine while a hypothetical remake could address some of this game’s notable gameplay oddities.
We doubt this would ever happen, but this really is the perfect candidate for a remake.
Legend of Dragoon
Legend of Dragoon was always burdened with the unfortunate position of being released close to (or alongside) incredible PS1 JRPGS like Final Fantasy 7, Xenogears, and Chrono Cross. Yet, those who played the game seem to almost universally love it.
Legend of Dragoon is perhaps rightfully best remembered for its stunning visuals, but this game’s surprisingly strong story and fun combat made it a notably great jumping-off point for those who didn’t otherwise consider themselves to be JRPG fans.
While this game never really lived up to the legacy of its console companions, it’s easy to imagine how a remake could address some of its tragically old-school (sometimes derivative) elements which arguably held it back.
Legend of Dragoon is a fantastic example of a very good game that a remake could make great.
Well, Bluepoint already absolutely nailed their remake of Shadow of the Colossus, so why not let them remake Ico?
Quietly released in 2001 for the still young PS2, this spiritual predecessor to Shadow of the Colossus was widely praised for its stunning art direction, emotional direction, and compelling puzzle gameplay. It’s a simply beautiful game.
Of course, as Shadow of the Colossus proved, even some of the most beautiful games ever can benefit from a remake. Ico wouldn’t need much more than just a fresh coat of paint, but we’d take any excuse to replay this gem.
Honestly, we’d be shocked if this remake didn’t happen at some point.
God of War: Chains of Olympus/Ghost of Sparta
The PSP and Vita are seemingly destined to be two of those systems that are fondly remembered for their great games and criticized for their poor design decisions that resulted in underwhelming sales.
Among the many games on those devices that could be resurrected via remakes, Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta stand out. These two exceptional God of War games combined the series’ old-school action with fascinating stories that expanded the series lore in notable ways.
We’re not asking for the world with these. Even if a remake proved to be nothing more than the core games with modern visuals, we’d rest easy knowing that more gamers have the chance to play these titles on modern devices.
The successful reinvention of this franchise casts doubt on such a revival, but we feel like there’s enough room for two excellent types of God of War games.
Ape Escape
It’s funny, but it feels like we’ve been hearing about an Ape Escape remake for about as long as we’ve been playing the game itself.
Of course, it’s easy to understand why that’s the case. As brilliant as Ape Escape‘s bizarre humor, challenge design, and then-innovative controls were, the game always felt like more of a prototype for a more complete experience rather a fully-realized vision.
If a remake could find a way to fix some of Ape Escape‘s pacing and structure issues, it could revive the series at a time when its 3D platforming style is hard to find outside of indie projects.
Ape Escape may not be entirely worthy of the overwhelming amount of love it has received over the years, but we’d argue that a remake could justify the series’ status as a beloved favorite.