A new Jagged Alliance reboot, subtitled Flashback, is currently looking for funding via Kickstarter. This new installment in the classic turn-based squad tactics game is being developed by an indie studio named Full Control in Copenhagen, Denmark. Full Control is also working on a Space Hulk game for PC and tablets.
Unlike the other recent (and rather terrible) Jagged Alliance reboot Back in Action, Flashback is returning the series to its turn-based roots. Flashback takes the series back to the 1980s, when Cold War tensions were at their highest. As a CIA operative, it is your job to assemble an elite team of mercenaries from across the world to overthrow a Communist regime on the tiny island of San Christobal. Flashback promises the return of all the deep squad-based tactics and management of the old games, along with more RPG elements in the form of tough choices that can affect the outcome of the story. This game will also take us back to the events that lead to the founding of the mercenary company A.I.M. from the previous titles.
If you wish to learn more about Jagged Alliance: Flashback, or pledge some money, head over to the Kickstarter page. At the time of this writing, the campaign is sitting on $83,822 out of a targeted goal of $350,000 with 27 days to go.