Harmonix Music Systems, best known in recent years for their work on the Rock Band and Dance Central franchises, has created a Kickstarter campaign to bring back cult classic rhythm game Amplitude. Released in 2003, Amplitude differs from modern music games by allowing one player complete control over several music tracks at once. The developer is seeking $775,000 to bring a downloadable reimagining of the game to the PS3/PS4 sometime in 2014. Standout backer rewards include a sick vinyl record filled with original music compositions, a trip to PAX to hang out with the team, and even a chance to get your own music put into the game. As of this writing, the campaign has 5 days to goal and has raised around $300,000 of its goal. Stay tuned to IGS for further coverage.
Harmonix to bring back ‘Amplitude’
- Post author:Tyler Curran
- Post published:May 18, 2014
- Post category:News
- Post comments:0 Comments
Tags: Amplitude