A Small Chat with Calvin French, Creator of ‘The Real Texas’

What happens when you mix The Legend of Zelda with Ultima 6? Indie game developer Calvin French answered that question with the creation of The Real Texas, a game that’s been five years in the making. The Real Texas is now available for Windows, Mac and Linux PCs over at his site. We sat down and had a small chat with him…

Q1.  Why did you decide to make this game?  How long did it take to develop?  Has this become your “day job?”

Calvin French: The game started as an experiment with a user interface system. So I originally had in mind to just create something very simple. However it quickly expanded from there. It took about 5 years all told to make, and I’d say until about year 2 or 3 there wasn’t really a “master plan.” In the end I was able to pull a lot of different threads together into something I hope is meaningful and also makes a certain amount of logical sense. (more…)

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The Calm Before the Storm: Part 1 of 4

Currently it has been six years since the launch of the current generation of video game consoles. Nintendo is the only company to have officially announced their new system, dubbed Wii U.   Gamers are beginning to wonder when the other companies will announce competition for the console market. The previous console generation lasted roughly five years, which has caused this lingering life cycle to evolve current systems in ways few could have imagined. (more…)

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